A new, but old magazine of Art

Union of Plastic Artists from Romania launched the number 1 / 2011 of ART.

"Arta" (Art) is a visual arts magazine published every three months by the Union of Plastic Artists from Romania. The magazine is in large format, with 170 pages with text and numerous color reproductions and intends to be representative Romanian visual environment.

Theme of actual number is art in public space. Interface between social community, town planning and policy, on one hand and changeble contemporary visuality, on the other hand, art in public space has become a very snuff concept of artists and scholars internationally and a visible presence and symptomatic sociological and Romanian cultural cities.
Other items of magazine: curatorial projects and exhibitions in the country and abroad, essays, artist files, interviews, art market, the investigation of art, art history recent book art info.
The magazine market is in bookstores Cărtureşti and Humanitas and the network news broadcast Hachette.
The ARTA magazine was first time launched in 1954. It continued until 1993 and re-appeared between 2000-2001. This year, on 17th of June, at Cǎrtureşti Library it was launched the first number since then. In March, it was edited a pilot number File 2010 – balance of the visual romanian arts.

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